NYC: A Stoner’s Paradise

NYC: A Stoner’s Paradise

Written By Hannah Gershowitz

New York City has the tendency to heighten the grandiosity of really anything— from as minuscule as the curves of the buildings to as regal as a brand-new market opening.

Thus, when recreational cannabis was legalized in March 2021, it was so monumental that the whole climate and landscape of the city changed along with it.

Cannabis smoke has taken over the once-familiar aromas of nearby restaurants and bakeries, illicit dispensaries line every block, seemingly endless elevated experiences and spaces have popped up… and that all happened before the first recreational dispensary even opened.

Now, the market is fully open, and it’s louder than the chatter of the city— louder than the mix of sirens and subways and people. The city’s cannabis scene is making noise, and New York City will never be the same because of it.

And as a weed enthusiast, I love it. New York City is a stoner’s paradise.

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Written By Alex Montalban

“My first encounter with ‘marihuana’ was at the very ripe age of 13, growing up in Los Angeles, CA; or, ‘The Valley’ (for all you other CLUELESS fans like me out there).

Yep - believe it or not, my first ‘toke’ occurred approximately 3 miles from where CLAIRE was mugged under that infamous, hugely-fluorescent clown that still overlooks the Circus Liquor on Vineland Blvd. in North Hollywood.

My best friend at the time (we’ll call him “Luke”) held a glass, phallic-looking apparatus, filled to the brim with what appeared to be one of the many spices I had only seen in my mother’s kitchen cabinet, and handed it over to me; this pipe in one hand, and a Bic lighter in the other. “

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Stoned for the Holidays: Fat Nug Magazine’s 2022 Gift Guide

Stoned for the Holidays: Fat Nug Magazine’s 2022 Gift Guide

Written By Melanie Rizzo

Here at Fat Nugs Magazine, we created a cannabis gift guide for the stoners on your holiday shopping list. Our readers hail from all over the United States and abroad, so we’ve stuck to tried-and-true accessories that can add value to any sesh, anywhere.

We’ve scoured the internet, social media, and our contributor Slack channel to uncover some of the latest and greatest gift items for weed lovers – from lockable stash boxes to cannabis art, mugs, and more.

We hope to highlight industry artisans and makers that move to the beat of their own drums, create quality, unique merchandise, and embrace the cannabis community with arms wide open. On our list, you’ll find products from small businesses, side hustles, and one-woman shows, but what they all have in common is this: they love weed and the culture that grows along with it.

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Recreational Medicine: Rethinking Cannabis in the Age of Legalization

Recreational Medicine: Rethinking Cannabis in the Age of Legalization

Written By Benjamin Gold

Cannabis usage continues to grow in the United States, but our framing of it remains archaic, reflecting a non-existent binary that cannabis is either medicinal or recreational. Yet, the truth is that as more Americans use cannabis, they are discovering that its recreational benefits are just as important as the medicinal.

Today, while the fight for cannabis takes place across the U.S, we can do our part by shaking off the notion that cannabis can only be either recreational or medicinal. Instead, we must promote it as the plant that can elevate all aspects of life.

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