The Warrior Spirit of Mike Robinson: Awakening Into Confusion

The Warrior Spirit of Mike Robinson: Awakening Into Confusion

Written By Casey Renteria

In a blurry haze, Mike slowly came back. Even though his life seemed to have paused, his strong will could not. “I worked my way out of the hospital bed into a recliner that sat next to it.” The fog from the anesthesia was so heavy that when the nurse spoke to him, it was just a voice in the breeze.

“I had been injected with what I didn't want, but there was a true need. I was comfortably numb with the drugs they had supplied and Cannabis Oil.” The surgical oncologist came in right as Mike was putting away a syringe. The report came in. “There was conflicting data, so CT Scans and PET scans were being paired with the films of what he saw inside of me," Mike recalls. “My blood counts had dropped to 20% below the normal level.” 

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Feeling the Fear: Battling Cancer with Cannabis

Feeling the Fear: Battling Cancer with Cannabis

Written By Casey Renteria

“The day after Christmas Mike had left for the hospital, assuming he’d quickly be in a room and getting ready for tests. However, the next 10 hours were full of errors and being brought in/out of tests, all of which were supposed to be done after admission. “I had no doctor,” Mike remembers. “nothing was coordinated, I was in pain, afraid, and alone.”

Mike didn't get a room until 5 pm that day, with nothing to eat or drink “due to the orders for testing.” My heart (and probably yours) aches hearing about a patient going through something this intense being left unattended. Was his health assessed? Yes, but what about him as a person, with a life and family at home?”

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How My Cannabis Compassion Journey Turned Me Into the Ultimate Researcher

How My Cannabis Compassion Journey Turned Me Into the Ultimate Researcher

Written By Mike Robinson

"You have cancer." These words dig deep into the core of one's soul and change a person forever. You either learn to be a warrior or prepare for your end times. Determined to beat the disease without resorting to conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, I turned to cannabis oils, as they were the only route I thought I could take against three different cancers running concurrently - and still have a fighting chance of surviving.

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